かんかん! -看護師のためのwebマガジン by 医学書院-
2011.7.03 update.
『助産雑誌』の連載「現場で即使える! 助産師のための英会話」と連動して、各回のスキットの音声を掲載します。妊娠・出産の場面でよく使われる用語を集めた音声へのリンクも掲載していますので、合わせてチェックしてみてください。
Midwife:I'm going to perform an internal exam now.
Your cervix is 8 cm dilated.
Ms.Thomas:What does that mean?
Midwife:Your cervix is not fully dilated yet.
It must dilate 2 more centimeters before you can push.
I will place a fetal heart monitor around your abdomen
to measure your baby's heart rate and
to time your contractions.
Ms.Thomas:Oh,another contraction has started.
Oh,I feel like pushing!
Midwife:Please follow my instructions to let go of the urge
to push at full strength.
Take a deep breath and exhale slowly.Good.
You're doing just fine.
Ms.Thomas:OK, the contraction is over.
How long will this last?I may not be able to
cope with this pain any more.
Midwife:I know it is very painful but everything is just fine.
You can do it.